Centrifugal Multistage In Line Pumps

- Vertical musltistage centrifugal "in line" pump for clean water
- AISI 304 stainless steel construction
- High efficiency, longlife, simple maintenance
- Special three phases electric motor, 2850 rpm,50 Hz, IP 55 acc EN IEC, insullation class F
- Shaft sealing with mechanical seal silicon/carbide, O-rings for pump
- Suction and discharge paralles ( in- line ) acc DIN , AISI 304
- Low noise level , small installation configuration
- Booster sets
- Fire fighting
- Irrigation
- Water treatment
- Air conditioning
- Washing systems
- Circulation of cooling water
- Marine application
- Capacitty up to 80 m3/h
- Head up to 250 m , envirment temperature up to 50ο C
- Liquid temperature range -15ο C up to 120ο C
- Max operation pressure up to 30 bar
- Letter (S) refers to AISI 316 stainless steel construction
- Units can be deliverd with VFD of series EQ up to 22 kW
- Units can be delivered with special motor requirements (explosion proof, 60 Hz etc.)
- Casted Parts: Cast Iron, Bronze Alloys, Stainless Steel, Duplex & Super Duplex Stainless Steel
- Fabricated Parts: Steel , stainles steel , Duplex & Super Duplex stainless steel